What is urban farming?

Urban farming, or urban agriculture, can be described as the growing of plants and raising of animals in and around towns, cities and urban environments. Until recently, farming has been a largely rural activity. But the development of technology, together with a pressing need to find more sustainable ways of...

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Why has urban farming become popular?

Urban farming has grown in popularity over the last 10–15 years. In the developing world, it has largely been driven by the rapid urbanization of developing regions. The urban population across the developing world has grown by around 500 million in the last decade and it is predicted that, by...

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What are impacts of urban farming?

Impact on communities Urban farming has been championed as a way of improving agricultural environmental sustainability, but in truth it can have both positive and negative effects and it comes down to the way that farms operate and are regulated. Farms can provide a more efficient way of meeting local...

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Vertical Farming

The continually-growing world populations, the global trend to urbanisation, climate change and pressure on natural resources are key drivers for policies on global food security. Vertical farming is an innovative methodology for vertical cultivation of agricultural products in a small footprint, which can also realize true zero-mile city food supply....

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Soilless Farming

Soilless farming, through techniques like Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Aquaponics etc , can be performed in controlled environments to address many of the concerns we now have. That is why it is expected to be the future method of farming in many parts of the world. It helps in intensive production of...

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Indoor Farming

Indoor Farming is the future of urban farming. It allows for vertical farms that grow all crops, in any place, at any time. ... Today's centralized food production, with crops being grown where the climate conditions and land values are favorable and/or knowhow is available, is no longer sustainable. Not only...

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Roof / Terrace Farming

A roof farm is a farm on the roof of a building. Besides the decorative benefit, roof plantings may provide food, temperature control, hydrological benefits, architectural enhancement, habitats or corridors for wildlife, recreational opportunities, and in large scale it may even have ecological benefits. Roof farms are most often found...

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Bee Farming

Bee farming uses all-natural techniques to grow food in a way that’s good for farmers, good for the environment, and good for consumers. In a world where climate change and the effects of years of industrial and chemical farming are making it increasingly hard for farmers to make a sustainable...

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Smart Gardening

Just like devices such as smart phones, smart gardening takes advantage of the technology around us. Tech isn’t just for video games and phone apps. Gardening with technology can save time, energy and money. Whether you are a lazy or simply uninformed gardener, gardening with technology can help with chores...

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Smart Landscaping

The concept of human smart landscape introduces a perspective of research where the landscape identifies a complex system of relationships among the various smart dimensions (smart economy, smart mobility, smart environment, smart people, smart living, smart governance) and different interpretative approaches. Smart Landscape is not just a good-looking and low...

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